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NEEEV A look at Iraq

Editorial Design
Arts & Culture
Bilbao, Iraq

No Es Exótico
Es Vital

Collaborating with Begoña Zubero in the design of her latest project a look at Iraq where the sense of history unfolds to appeal to our western collective imagination. Each photo is not a decoration created to enhance the western vision, but rather a part of the Real, of the inhabited space of a community prepared to claim its being-in-the-world against imperialist dichotomies.

The seemingly simplified game of conscious photography composes a complex network of signifiers. All of them at play to unpack and thus question the viewer regarding their status as a memory document, as an ethical imperative.

Iraq has been perceived from the perspective of violence: fragments, ruins and death build our western vision of the country. But, Iraq will never be just a country, nor just another ruin.

Arkeologi Museoa